Important Dates:

Prayer & Fasting - September 16th -18th
Last Day to Register - September 15th - Click here to register
World Evangelism Video Submission - September 13th - Email Video Submissions to
Best way to submit: Create a google drive folder with church's pastor & city and share link with email. You can also click on the "Submit Video Here" and add a folder with your church's name.

Important Notes

- Pastors register all delegates.
- Nursery will be provided for all babies up to 12 months at TDC (mornings) and Higley Performing Arts Center (evening) only.
- Our nursery can only accommodate children who are 1-2 years old and whose parents are either missionaries or pioneer pastors sent directly from Chandler.
- Children Church will accept children 3-10 years old whose parents are either pastors, evangelists, or missionaries (no delegates)
 - Email Video Submissions to
Best way to submit: Create a google drive folder with church's pastor & city and share link with email.