Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Our RiseUp Ministries caters to children from 5-12 years. On Sunday mornings we have children's church for ages 5-10 years old at 11 am with check-in at 10:45 am. On Sunday nights check-in is at 6:15 pm and is for ages 3-8 years old. Between puppet skits, people skits, memory verse games and songs, kids learn about God and have fun! Our Young servant classes ministers to age 10-12 year olds and teaches them about loving God and serving others. For more information, look for Brandon Monnens.

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Sunday Services
Sunday morning services are for ages 5-10 years old. This is where they can have fun learning about God!
In this service, children ages 3-8 years old come and learn even more about God and word.