Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are apart of a worldwide movement! As the body of Christ, we believe in touching the nations of the earth. Every year we have an annual conference where we launch couples to start churches in different cities. Most of our finances are spent to send families to pioneer churches all over the world. Currently, we have churches in the Philippines, India, New Zealand, Panama, Dominican Republic, Peru, and many more. Stay tuned and we'll updating this page with more exciting announcements.

Here's a glimpse of our mission works.
Currently, we financially support mission works in South Africa, Nigeria, Dominican Republic, Peru, and many other nations. We love giving to works that spread the message of Jesus Christ. He changes hearts and transforms lives. If you'd like to be a financial supporter, every missionary and soul saved greatly appreciates your contribution! Click here to give. Be sure to click the drop down menu and choose Missions/WE. God bless your endeavors and your heart to give.
World Vision
bible conference
Every year we hold a Bible conference where couples and disciples hear over 17 sermons and are stirred to reach the nations. On Thursdays nights, we announce couples all over the world to start churches.
everyone has a part
Whether God has put a city or nation on your heart to go, to pray, or to give to, everyone has an opportunity to be a part of the worldwide vision we have. No part is insignificant and is appreciated in every way!
Join the mission
Pray for our missionaries and their families
Paul & Deanna Alvarez --- Lima, Peru.
Gil & Rosa Cota --- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Bitwell & Mary Hangadu --- Lagos Nigeria
Hector & Nicole Ortiz --- Capetown, South Africa
Mel & Alicia Biangco --- Manila, Philippines
Ryan & April Burtch --- Hyderabad, India
Steve & Ginita Thomas --- Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pete & Sandy Wakefield --- Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pakia & Samantha Raj --- Bangalore, India
Allan & Joanne Asir --- Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Gil & Rosa Cota --- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Bitwell & Mary Hangadu --- Lagos Nigeria
Hector & Nicole Ortiz --- Capetown, South Africa
Mel & Alicia Biangco --- Manila, Philippines
Ryan & April Burtch --- Hyderabad, India
Steve & Ginita Thomas --- Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pete & Sandy Wakefield --- Dhaka, Bangladesh
Pakia & Samantha Raj --- Bangalore, India
Allan & Joanne Asir --- Petaling Jaya, Malaysia